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Weekly horoscope for May 05 – May 11: What the stars have in store



Weekly horoscope for May 05 – May 11: What the stars have in store

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20


Take time to reconsider a friends proposal, it could take you to new heights

As action centres on your own sign, exciting options can come thick and fast. 

But do take time to reconsider a friend’s proposal, that at first sight seems wildly ambitious. 

This can be what takes you both to a new place. 

Understanding why passion has taken a certain path, can help you grow into it – but this must be your choice. 

Single?  The One speaks several languages.


APR 21 – MAY 21

Love is all yours on every luscious level dear Taurus


Love is all yours on every luscious level dear Taurus

Pluto, planet of rebirth, pushes back in your goal-setting sector – this may require revision of deadlines or strategies. 

If you sense something changing deep inside, it could also be Pluto’s slow-grow effect. 

So you fight for what you want, and recognise what you need – even if it seems unlikely to others. 

The luck factor links you to a “J” event. 

Love is all yours, on every luscious level.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

A journey planned for one can become a honeymoon for two


A journey planned for one can become a honeymoon for two

Mars gives you the courage to stand up, and stand out, in any group – and you can find yourself saying those things you’ve been thinking for so long. 

Meanwhile with Venus now powering your zone of deepest dreams, secret feelings surface and you realise how much they are returned.

A new moon opens hearts to new potential, and a journey planned for one can become a honeymoon for two.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

The new moon invigorates friendships and bonds this week


The new moon invigorates friendships and bonds this week

The fire of Mars and fast thinking of Mercury make an unbeatable team in your success sector – so jump on board and get those top five meetings and chats set up. 

On all levels, you can surprise this week – a new moon also invigorates friendships and social bonds. 

Love is strongest when it’s shared, resist any impulse to hide your feelings. 

Single?  Not when “F” appears, and instantly makes you laugh. 


JULY 23 – AUG 23

Venus sparks spectacular passion via one grand gesture


Venus sparks spectacular passion via one grand gesture

If you sense any situation is simply stuck and going nowhere, this is your week to start over. 

The new moon encourages fresh beginnings, but you also have such an open, Mars-led adventure zone. 

So you can try, try, try again – and enjoy the process. 

Family lean on you for support, you are right to set personal limits on this. 

Venus sparks spectacular passion – via one grand gesture. 


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

Mars leads on glamourous, cost-effective makeovers to give you a fresh new look


Mars leads on glamourous, cost-effective makeovers to give you a fresh new look

So many aspects of yourself you’ve kept under wraps are ready to shine through this week. 

Mars leads on glamourous, cost-effective makeovers – this could be your time to take that step into the world of sharing fashion, health or beauty insights with an audience. 

A moon of the open road reminds you that how you make a journey, and who with, can matter more than the destination.  


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

The new moon encourages de-cluttering in every area of your life


The new moon encourages de-cluttering in every area of your life

As Venus settles in your heart-deep zone, love can be sensed rather than seen. 

So be extra alert to unexpected feelings, even around someone you’ve known for a long time. 

A strong de-cluttering moon helps you clear away anything or anyone you know you no longer need, and leave just a few special connections, stronger than before. 

Mars steps up with you, to take the lead in a project or presentation.


OCT 24 – NOV 22

Shake ups can work in your favour if handled well dear Scorpio


Shake ups can work in your favour if handled well dear Scorpio

Shake-ups in teams, and couples, can be part and parcel of the new moon vibe – don’t resist this, as it can work in your favour if handled well. 

If you know you’ve just been tolerating a situation, you can turn it back into something so special.

With Mars and Mercury both on Scorpio’s career team, you are tougher, smarter and faster – ready to wow any audience or panel.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

This is the week you can see things through, don't let anything get in your way


This is the week you can see things through, don’t let anything get in your way

One of your star roles is as a universal friend – but being more particular about who you allow to take up your time can create space for personal projects. 

You have endless ideas, for love and life – but do rate your own comfort and wellbeing top priority.

However many false health starts you’ve had, with a personal determination moon, this is the week you can see plans through. 


DEC 22 – JAN 20

Take the loving touch of Venus and let your inhibitions go by surprising a partner or crush


Take the loving touch of Venus and let your inhibitions go by surprising a partner or crush

The light, loving touch of Venus, plus the passion verve of the new moon, mean this is your week to let your inhibitions go and love in a new way, on a new level. 

Attached?  Surprise a partner with some sexy out-of-character  suggestions. 

If you’re single, this time turn towards temptation, feel your heart strengthen. 

Midweek, the decisive judgement of Mars scrolls through choices to pinpoint the perfect property.  


JAN 21 – FEB 18

Time for second guessing people is over so get out in the world


Time for second guessing people is over so get out in the world

As ideas and images come to you, try not to over-think, but harness the expressive energy of Mars to get them out into the world. 

You can find a business plan, with a connections link, up and running by the end of the week.

Love-wise, there’s a steadiness from Venus that’s calm but also courageous. 

This can end a time of always second-guessing someone else. 

A family moon encourages emotional re-runs.  


FEB 19 – MAR 20

There is a risk of high spending but Mercury can balance this for you


There is a risk of high spending but Mercury can balance this for you

Talking out loud, even just to yourself, can dial down doubts about a big decision – so do try this, this week. 

Mars reminds you how much loyalty matters to you, and if you have compromised in this area, you can set this right. 

There is a risk of high-spending — financial or emotional – but Mercury can monitor this for you, if you accept.

Love can leap three steps in one.

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