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Rwanda latest news: Bill catapulted back to Lords after MPs reject amendments – watch live



Rwanda latest news: Bill catapulted back to Lords after MPs reject amendments – watch live

Andrew Mitchell, the deputy foreign secretary, said James Cleverly would hold Sir Mark Rowley to account for the way pro-Palestine protests have been handled.

The Metropolitan Police have been embroiled in a row after the Campaign Against Antisemitism published footage of a police officer describing its chief executive Gideon Falter as “openly Jewish” near a pro-Palestine protest in central London on April 13.

Sir Mark has faced calls to quit, with the Met having apologised for its handling of the incident. The Met Commissioner is expected to meet with Mr Cleverly, the Home Secretary, in the coming days. 

Mr Mitchell told Sky News: “I think it was an appalling episode and the Home Secretary will undoubtedly hold Sir Mark, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, to account for what happened.

“I think the police do an incredibly difficult job on these occasions, so I am not criticising the bobby on the beat who was policing the demonstration.

“But I think there are strategic issues about how we ensure that Jewish people, people of any faith at all, can go about their business in London and not be impeded in the way that he was and not be stopped from walking through the streets of London because of the demonstrations that were taking place. That’s a strategic issue and it needs to be resolved by the police.”

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