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Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – April 22, 2024



Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – April 22, 2024

Following the weekend’s link between Jupiter (luck) and Uranus (innovation), can you feel change in the air? 

If not, what about on the ground? Since their meeting took place in earthy Taurus, their influence is more rooted in the physical than the ephemeral. 

So instead of looking for divine intervention, we need to focus on the concrete steps we can take to make a difference. 

We have the resources to build ourselves a wonderful future. And the more confidently we invest in it, the better it will be. 

This world is the merry-go-round that never stops turning. It spins as it circles endlessly round the sun. 

Following the weekend’s link between Jupiter (luck) and Uranus (innovation), can you feel change in the air?

The passengers who come aboard for the ride never know how long it will last. All we can be sure of is that, though the journey will go on, we won’t be a part of it forever. 

That, all on its own, is a reason to make the most of each moment and to make sure we’re comfortable. 

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. 

To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! 

 Read more horoscopes from MailOnline 


 March 21 – April 20

If we find ourselves strongly opposed to someone else’s views, at least we know where we stand. When we agree with someone about most things, but our views on a specific matter are irreconcilable, it gets more complicated. That’s when communication problems creep in. With Venus still in your sign, progress should be easy today; the skies indicate you’ve got lots in common with a specific person. Yet you’re more aware of where your opinions differ. If you seek understanding, you’ll deepen a relationship in a special way. 

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart – now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!


April 21 – May 21

You’re a good-hearted, wise, sensitive, creative Taurean. You’re made of amazing stuff. And you’re unique. There’s no one else on planet Earth quite like you. Since this is astonishing, it’s easy to forget. So I’m reminding you of your distinctiveness and gifts. Just because certain aspects of your life are challenging doesn’t mean they’ll remain that way. No. That cloud of gloomy greyness is disappearing. Your personal weather forecast is set to change for the better. With the Sun in your sign, it’s time to get your sunglasses out. 

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! 


May 22 – June 22

If you like crosswords, you know the sense of satisfaction you get when you solve a clue. And you also know the feeling of getting stuck; when the harder you think, the more frustrated you feel. At such times, it’s good to step away and focus on a different clue. Meanwhile, in the background, your mind still works on finding the answer you’re struggling with. No matter what kind of problem comes your way today, trust that you’ve got the skills to sort it. And that if you attend to other things, it might be even easier to solve.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart – now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!

We have the resources to build ourselves a wonderful future. And the more confidently we invest in it, the better it will be

We have the resources to build ourselves a wonderful future. And the more confidently we invest in it, the better it will be


June 23 – July 23

If only it was as easy for us to see our own mistakes as it is to see other people’s. But when we’re on the outside looking in on someone’s life, we have a sense of detachment that enables us to judge and offer advice. Of course, if we were in their shoes (or they were in ours) the situation would be very different. The cosmos is encouraging empathy and understanding. With your sensitive approach, you can rebalance a relationship in a way that works for both parties. A dialogue (rather than a monologue) is key. 

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! 


July 24 – August 23

Even when you’re not trying to provoke a big response, some people overreact. With only a hint of a suggestion, they can’t stop themselves projecting their own feelings and agendas onto whatever you’re hoping to convey. The more you try to reason with them to get your point across, the harder it gets. In such situations it’s best to let time pass. Today, there’s no point fighting fire with fire. If something needs to be said, just say it as clearly and simply as you can. You might be surprised (in a good way) by the reaction. 

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart – now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! 


August 24 – September 23

In this full-on world of ours, we’re so in the habit of being busy that we set ourselves extra deadlines. Sometimes, the items on our internal to-do lists need honouring. But sometimes, they can be safely ignored. They don’t leave any room to impulsively respond to life’s events. And that means that we miss out on potential opportunities. To benefit from the ongoing effect of the Jupiter/Uranus link, give yourself the space and freedom to react to the gifts coming your way. As for your agenda? It can easily be edited today.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! 


September 24 – October 23

 If anyone’s good at performing a balancing act, it’s you. Born under the sign of the scales, you’re adept at weighing up the pros and cons of the issues you’re dealing with. And your adaptability means you can take subtle action to compensate for excessive emotions and any lack of understanding. For you, being this way is utterly natural. You’ve been dealing with a situation that has been frustratingly difficult to resolve. The Jupiter/Uranus link suggests your efforts will bring the kind of results you only dare dream of.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart – now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!


October 24 – November 22

Yikes, you’re spinning so many plates your mind is whirling. There are lots of diverse things to think about. And they all seem perilously positioned. If you lose momentum everything could come crashing down. Well… that’s how it feels. But if you take a moment to stop today (which I know is asking a lot) you’ll find you’re in a less precarious situation than you think. Not only do you have the ability to keep everything moving; but if you choose to prioritise, and invest your energy, those other plates will take care of themselves.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! 


November 23 – December 21

 Picture yourself holding a stick. It has two ends (obviously). And you’ve got hold of one of them. But which end have you got? The wrong end? Or the right one? You’d like to know you’ve made the right choice. The problem is that the person whose advice you need has a different viewpoint to you. And you can’t both be correct. Your ruler’s link with Uranus gifts you with the insight to see this situation in a new light. If you need to change your mind, change it. This is important. And finding a collaborative way forwards is key.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart – now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! 


December 22 – January 20

The ability to forgive and forget might not be easy to muster, but it’s a much better option than continuing to resent and remember. This is true no matter how wronged we might feel. We have to protect ourselves from the negativity of our own emotional reactions. You need to let go of something. The problem is that you’re worried that someone will take your lack of response as a red light to continue their behaviour. Nevertheless, if you can find a way to transcend your concerns, your positive attitude will create an easier future. 

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!


January 21 – February 19

You’ve been pushing hard to achieve something. Since you started this process a while ago, exerting so much effort has become your ‘normal’. So the news that the ongoing link between Jupiter and your ruler, Uranus, brings ease and success might not sound spectacular. But it is. You can take the pressure off. The more energy you expend the more you’ll complicate the situation. Do what feels right. And if you’re not sure what you feel, keep an open mind. You’ll soon know exactly what action you need to take.

Under the influence of the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus you are making a big discovery and starting to understand a process that never previously made sense to you. You will soon gain a priceless insight into someone or something. Discover more about yourself with a Personal Birth Chart – now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings! 


February 20 – March 20

We need to talk about your secret passion. I know that’s a lot to ask! But if you’re not honest with yourself you’ll end up acting in an unconscious way, and draw a temptation into your world. That’s inevitable. It happens when we suppress our desires. Which doesn’t mean you’re going to set forth to pursue it. But under these powerful skies, when life-changing opportunities are presenting themselves, you need to be clear in your own mind. Then you’ll be able to decide what to focus on, (and what to refuse to get involved in).

 The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus is urging you to look at what you put up with and to change whatever you no longer feel able to accept. If you want to, you can. To mark this special time you can download your Personal Birth Chart now at 50% OFF, and receive a FREE Personal Profile and 3 FREE Tarot readings!

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